10 Articulos y resumen grupal

1) Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su persona
In this article we can find an very unethical behavior, I’m talking about the human slaves, people that don’t have any moral what so ever and treat people like if they where some sort of profit machines, human traffic is more common that we usually think, kids are one of the most wanted as they are easy to manage and don’t have how to defend themselves.
We can read a lot of horrible cases like this example of a 10 year old girl that we can’t even call a woman, working for around 18 hours straight, and using drugs just to oversee the pain that she has to go every day, this inhuman acts are just a very small part of the ugly truth we never see or at least we ignore.
Aznárez M. articulo” Venta de niños y mujeres” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010,en la direccion URL: http://www.isftic.mepsyd.es/w3/eos/MaterialesEducativos/mem/pronatura/ecoeej.htm
2) Ética en la investigación con modelos animales experimentales
Bioethics talks about the relationship of the basic or minimum ethics behaviors when referring to technology, science, medicine and many different fields, I found a very interesting article that caught my attention, the bioethics and ecoetics when using real live animals to test new drugs and see their effect on them without any consideration.
Most of us never tries to question where or how thing are made, most of us when we are sick we don’t really care how they make the medicine we only want something that it will heal us fast and effective, but the truth is that there is still a lot o business people that torture animals without any sore of regalements just to find out new ways to get rich.
The truth is that experimenting with animal is not illegal but it has to be regulated, the pain they have to go thru is extreme, ethically I don’t agree in using animal but if that is going to happened there must be laws to protect them from different atrocities.
Marad A.” Ética en la investigación con modelos animales experimentales. Alternativas y las 3 RS de Russel. Una responsabilidad y un compromiso ético que nos compete a todos” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 en la direccion URL: http://www.bioeticaunbosque.edu.co/publicaciones/Revista/Revista1/Articulo_Mrad_de_Osorio.pdf
3) Experimentación en seres vivos
Experimenting in human life is not a joke, before I mention you about experimenting on animals and the poor regulation they have, but in this article I found out that the human experimentation is not actually very well known subject, maybe cause is not a regular thing to discuss but mainly is cause the repercussions this experimenting could bring to human kind
In this article there was a subject I strongly agree it says that most of the human experimentation is don on a mental level so is hard to say whether is ethical or not, cause the repercussions are not well establish. But it also mention the they are also the biotechnology that of course we all know that it is mostly research for bioquimical weapons, and that I’m pretty shore has nothing ethical on it.
Eduardo C. “ Refl exiones fi losóficas sobre la experimentación en seres vivos” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 en la direccion URl: http://www.bioeticaunbosque.edu.co/publicaciones/Revista/Revista1/Articulo_Maldonado.pdf
4) Bioconstruccion/Ecoetica
This is a really fascinating subject, the bioconstruction talks about how do we help by constructing and the environment on a very ethical way, most constructions around the world don’t actually care about how bad are they hearting our planet we, have to remember every time that we only have one home “earth” and we should be worried to protect it.
I’ve seen a lot of change regarded to the construction and the environment, houses have to reduce co2 gases and try to get advantages from the green energy, also buildings have to make sure that they are not destroying other environment that are actually home of many species, fabrics have to make sure that their waist is not affecting other that includes nature, this and many other things can be made if we take serious the bioconstruction.
Truly we can make sure that construction has change and it will keep changing for the good reasons, cause people is noticing that our home, is starting to collapse and if we keep this way everyone will stay without a roof to sleep on.
Yolanda C. “ hacia la bioconstruccion” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 direccion URL: http://www.bioeticaunbosque.edu.co/Articulos/Articulos_Compl/Bioconstruccion.pdf
5) Ecología y ecoetica
In this article talks us about the importance of the social compromise with nature and how we need to start making compromises to help our environment, it talks about an very interesting point of view, it says that we need to start by having an inter peace with ourselves to start careen about the environment.
I strongly support that thought cause is actually truth that if you don’t have any inter peace is really hard to worry about other subject like our only planet, is crucial that if you want to start helping your mind needs to be clear from any troubles and worries, helping our planet is a very easy thing to do but we need to start helping ourselves if we are willing to make that compromise.
Other important point I that he talks about good making us a species that care about each other so why are we steel not helping our brothers, why do we talk so much about love and don’t actually share it will friends and most important we look that we actually hate were we live and that’s why we don’t take care of our world.
Jimenez V. “Ecologia y Ecoetica. La crisis ecológica es también un problemaactual” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 direccion URL: http://cristianismoyecologia.blogspot.com/2009/06/ecologia-y-ecoetica-la-crisis-ecologica.html
6) Deberes y felicidad
Duty is not always related to happiness, but it will sure be better if they were by the hand, in this amazing easy I thought about something I’ve never did, when we talk about ecoethics we already know that we talk about helping our environment and doing jobs thinking always about the ethical point of view.
But if you actually want to help don’t you think it will be better if we do it with enthusiasm or don’t you think will perform better if we actually do something that we like? The answer is yes, I can promise the helping will decently create a feeling of fulfill inside you and you will actually will want to kip doing it, so happiness is something you have to try to find if you actually want to help, cause doing thing that won’t make you feel good will eventually become tired and boring.
Castelo V. “ deberes y felizidad en la ecoetica” recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 direccion URL:
7) Valores de ecoetica
Is very interesting how this article approach to us as animals, it talks about humans as a hole part of the ecosystem, we are just animals the same as the hole biodiversity and one of the essential point of the animal law is to coexist to understand our environment and to respected to.
Is very important to understand that we are part of the world we don’t own it, if we don’t start respecting our environment very soon we are going to start feeling the consequences of our acts, as animals we need to live according to the natural law, to coexist and no to feel we are the owners of the earth.
Cesar A. “ los valores de la ecoetica” publicado el 18 de febrero del 2010 recuperado el día 5 del mes de abril del año 2010 direccion URl:
8) Como cuidarnos x medio del medio ambiente
We usually talk about what are we doing wrong, we know that the planet is dying, and we are the cause of it, we also know that we have to change the way that we are using the recourses and the way we treat the planet, but we almost never talk about what can we do different that will actually help the world, it is true we can help! But people think that by doing small things they are not doing too much so they don’t care, I’m telling you that small things really do help the world like this examples:
- Helping with recycle
- Not using the car for small things
- Use of public transportation
- Buy products that are made of recycle material
- Turn the light off when not using
- And pleas don’t throw garbage on the floor
This small act can truly make a difference, doing what is right feels god and if you start helping the planet you will actually be helping yourself like cheaper electricity bills, cleaner streets and much more.
Valera S. “como cuidar el maedio ambiente” publicado en junio 23 del ano 2009 recuperado el día 6 del mes de abril del año 2010 direccion URl:
9) Rio en el infierno
This article is a small example of what people without ecoethics can accomplish, the rive of “Matanza” located in Argentina is a perfect example of what humans can accomplish without an ethical behavior against our own planet, Matanza was a river where people could enjoy themselves play in the water and have a beautiful view, but know a days matanza is no more the a really big unhealthy water.
Matanza is the 3 most contaminated river on the planet, 50% of the people living next to the river don’t have any sewers, big companies don’t have any place to dump all the garbage they produce, so they just decided to throw it in the river. This river is sow contaminated that is impossible to have any sort of live in it and around it.
People are getting new diseases cause of the pollution, animals died of the same problem, sow where is the social commitment, where are the ecoethics in this case. It’s a sad truth but we still need to learn a lot more from ourselves and how to treat our planet, hopefully it won’t be to late when we actually realize that we have destroyed our own place.
Calvaroso A.” el rio del infierno” articulo publicado el 31 de agosto del año 2006, recuperado el día 6 del mes de abril del año 2010, en la direccion URL: http://www.estrucplan.com.ar/articulos/verarticulo.asp?IDArticulo=1357
10) ¿Internet ayuda el planeta o no?
There is an effect called “cloud computing” is a term use when a computer needs an “x” amount of energy to sustain the information and to operate normally, this is a very new case and it is estimated that 1.963 million kilo vats are going to be require to sustain all mayor companies with a lot of computing systems by the year 2020.
A very good example is apple, it uses 3.8% of renewable energy, 38% of nuclear energy and a 50,75% of carbon energy, know we think if internet is a clean energy, I actually was surprise to read this article cause I never thought of the internet as a weapon against the environment.
But thee truth is that the plan that is being propose is to use mare renewable energy when sustaining this huge companies, cause the internet is no actually bad but the business people don’t have the ethical thinking when it come the time to make money based on decisions that are going to heart the environment
Varela S. “Greenpeace defiende al medio ambiente de internet” artículo publicado el 31 de marzo del año 2010, recuperado el día 6 del mes de abril del año 2010, en la direccion URL:
Nuestro grupo nos toco investigar un poco lo que era el reciclaje, en base a esto buscamos distintos sub temas como lo son las 3 “erres” productos reciclables, procesos etcétera… en lo personal me pareció de suma importancia actualizarme en cuanto al tema de reciclaje, ya que los cambios climáticos son notables gracias a la contaminación mundial, y el reciclaje es uno de los temas que realmente ayudan el ecosistema.
Puntos como reducir el consumo masiva ya sea de luz, agua, desechos y muchos otros más son de suma importancia si queremos empezar a actuar, el reducir en general nuestro despreocupación por el medio ambiente.
Reutilizar no solo ayuda el medio ambiente nos ayuda a nosotros mismos, si reutilizamos productos de materiales duraderos económicamente nos estamos ayudadnos, el reutilizar servilletas vasos podemos disminuir el uso excesivo de estos productos que son muy dañinos para la naturaleza en general desde su fabricación hasta su desecho.
Y por ultimo y tal vez el más conocido pero igual de importante debemos reciclar todos los productos posibles, al igual que comprar productos reciclables, no debemos de olvidarnos que reciclado ayudamos enormemente nuestro único hogar, que personalmente creo que ya ha sufrido suficiente, ayudemos con el reciclaje, reutilizando y reduciendo.
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